Saturday, July 14, 2007

I'm new, snazzy, and re-located!

So Blogspot is, I decided, just...cooler. The actual website is more fun-looking, and since I hadn't posted on my livejournal for about a month due to craziness in schedule and trying to do a million things at once, I decided this might be a good time to switch.

So.....reeeeeeead meeeeeeee!!! :) lol

New excitements in life include something that I just got home from: my visit to the speech pathology PhD program at the University of Iowa. I will post more about that later - there is so much to say! - but Michael is just about to arrive here, so I will have to depart quickly :)

Other than that, I am planning a visit to Chicago the last weekend of July, Thurs-Sun, to visit Cassandra and hopefully Sunali too :) I love Chicago! Next weekend is Art Fair and I am super-psyched to walk around.

My foot is still not entirely healed from twisting it on the Fourth - ouch! I can walk normally and everything, but occasionally there is minor pain which prevents me from thinking I'd be safe venturing over to the gym. This does not please me. I miss the gym and want desperately to return - yet if I will further injure myself, it's not a good idea! Sigh.

That's it for now - way more to come as I experiment with this funky new blog format. :) But hope everyone is having a great day - talk to you all later!

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