Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Survey stolen from Snu!


1. What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up?

I start driving lessons today - nervous!

2. What did you do last night?

Talked to Michael on the phone and played online Scrabble...I'm such a nerd :)

3. What is the most important part of your life right now?

Planning, beginning to plan, and - as always - maintaining close contact with everybody I care about!

4. What would you rather be doing right now?

Feeling really productive and/or hanging out with Michael!!

5. What did you last cry over?

Grrrrr - beginning of July, being unfairly penalized for what I didn't think/know was wrong...

6. What always makes you feel better when you're upset?

I'll agree with Sunali - getting hugs from people I love. Sure made me feel better that time, even though I didn't expect a certain wonderful MRB to drive all the way from Ohio and visit me that night! :))) Also, making up my mind that it is just not worth it to be sad because what is done is done - and moving the heck on with my awesome life!

7. What are your plans tomorrow?

I have no idea during the day! Perhaps job training, perhaps swimming, perhaps getting together with people....perhaps all of the above? But Michael will be here at night for sure - yay!

8. What's the most important thing you look for in a significant other?

I'll agree with Sunali - a good heart.

9. What are you worried about?

Driving and making the best plans for my life

10. What are you looking forward to most in this week?

Seeing Michael, perhaps beginning job training, and moving into the bigger room in the apt. on Saturday!


1. Have you ever liked someone with a girlfriend/boyfriend?

Sure, haven't we all?! :-P But I've always come to the conclusion pretty quickly that it's better to keep looking and not waste time on someone who may or may not eventually break up with their significant other and who at that time may or may not at whatever point decide you are the better choice for them!

2. Have you ever had your heart broken?

Meh - I don't buy the terminology. Have I been sad over guy-related issues, sure. But has anything ever "broken" me or caused me to have "baggage" in any way?! Heck no.

3. Have you ever played a sport on a team?

Hahaha - not unless you count gym class, when I had to. I am soooooo not an athlete!

4.Have you ever been out of the country?

Yep! New Zealand when I was ten, Cancun, Mexico when I was thirteen, Paris when I was sixteen, and Barcelona when I was twenty. Oh, and Canada a bunch of times, but everyone's been there. Should I count Puerto Rico, which happened just before I turned twenty-one?

5. Have you ever back stabbed a friend?

I agree with Sunali - If I have, I didn't do it knowingly...

6. Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?

I can remember a time or two - what's important with those is just to get yourself over it when that happens :)

7. Have you ever had the cops called on you?

No. Haha. I'm ridiculously straight-edge.

8. Have you ever dated someone younger then you?

Briefly - no harm done, but no intention to do THAT again!

9. Have you ever read an entire book in one day?

I'll agree with Sunali - so many. I was a bookworm growing up. But I don't really make that much time to read anymore, simply because there's always something else to do! (and that something else is often, but not always, of the more-interesting-than-reading sort!)


1. Who was the last person you saw?

Cristina, yesterday at B-Dubs!

2. Who was the last person you hugged?

Cristina, saying bye as she went off to St. Mary's and I ventured over to the gym for my second workout of the day...lol

3. Who was the last person you called?

Michael :-D

4. Who was the last person to call you?

Michael :-D

5. Who was your first crush?

Hahaha....a kid in my class when I was in first grade

6. Who was the last person to text you?


7.Who is the last person you texted?


8. Who did you last yell at?

I agree with Snu - I don't even know. I don't yell at people.


1. When was your last shower?

Last night after the gym!

2. When did you last see your mom?


3. When was your last hug?


4. When did you last dress up?

Ummmm....last wore a skirt and cute top last weekend, last wore a full-out dress on....my birthday was probably the last time?

5. When was the last time you cried?

Beginning of July

6. When did you last go to the movie theater?

Tuesday to see Harry Potter...I hardly ever go to the movies, though!

7.When were you born?

March 25, 1984 at 4:30pm


1. Where does your best friend live?

There are several people whom I could consider "best" friends - three that come to mind immediately live in Oak Park, IL, Port Clinton, OH, and Rio Piedras, PR.

2. Where did you last go?

The gym, last night

3. Where did you last hang out?

I'm currently hanging out at Espresso Royale on State Street :)

4. Where do you go to school?


5. Where is your favorite place to be?

I don't even know. Somewhere where there's lots of stuff to do!

6. Where did you sleep last night?

My bed, in my room in the apt.


1. Do you like someone right now?

Yes. Or love. Whatever you prefer. :)

2. Do they like you too?

Yes. Or love. :)

3. Do you ever wish you were someone else?

I agree with Sunali - ew no, why?

4. Do you know the muffin man?

Of course. He's muffin, like you expect him to be.

5. Does the future scare you?

Kind of, although I try not to let it.


1. Why are you best friends with your best friend?

The people I could consider "best" friends are people I have great conversations with, who know they can tell me anything and to whom I can tell anything.

2. Why did you get a myspace?

I don't have one!

3. Why did your parents give you the name you have?

My mom just loved the name Heather - and Marie, my middle name, has been sparsely passed down through the family (although, as the Facebook group says, "Hey! My middle name is Marie, and so is hers, and so is hers!" - it's eeeeevery girl's middle name!!!)

4. Why are you doing this survey?

I like surveys and I wanted to update my blog


1. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Telling the future!!! Being able to alter any decisions now to make myself and everyone I care about the happiest in the long run.

2. If you could go back in time and change one thing, would you?

No - I have no regrets :)))

3. If you were stranded on a desert island and could bring one thing, what would it be?

Whatever contraption - a boat, maybe? - could bring me OFF the desert island!!!


1. Would you ever be friends with someone again who you said you never would be friends with again?

Depends on the person and the circumstances. I don't think I'm currently friends with anyone I've ever vowed never to be friends with again, though.

2. Would you ever shave your head to save the person you love?

Sure, if that's what had to be done - but hopefully shaving my head would never be the one action that would save anyone, cuz I love my hair!


Are you happy with your life right now?


1 comment:

Sunali said...

yay you did my survey :)