Wednesday, September 19, 2007

And it begins....

Well, the craziness of a new semester has begun. Fun times have been had - I started Clinic 2, in which I get two clients, and have two other classes besides. The two classes' times and days were messed around with to no end when the new professors took over classes for the former prof after he seems to have disappeared. But luckily I was able to keep both classes because my schedule was open - others weren't so fortunate. There's not been much to do for either class thus far, but of course that's made up for by the mountains of paperwork that are Clinic. It doesn't quite feel like Clinic One times two because I'm way faster at everything now that Clinic 1 taught me more or less how to structure my paperwork...but it's a hoppin' party of wild and craziness nonetheless. :-P

I was correct in my suspicion of who one of my new clients would be, which makes me happy. Both my new clients are really interesting cases and it will be so much fun doing therapy with them this semester! I'm still figuring them both out, but hopefully I'll be up and running with solid therapy sessions soon, and for sure sooner than the about-a-month it took me last semester to get everything solidified with my then-client.

Got to see my little former client in the hall of the Clinic today. That seriously made my day! I had hoped to get that client back for this semester, but if I can't, at least I know now that I can go observe whenever I want because the session time is extraordinarily convenient. :))))))) And we're encouraged to observe other clinicians, anyway!

I'm kind of excited because I just structured some stuff with a professor of mine so that I can meet with her on a regular basis and really get going on some research stuff when the approval comes back from the necessary committee. There's apparently also another girl at EMU, who I haven't met yet, who my prof knows wants to do some research. If I could get in on that, I'd be thrilled! The more research projects I've got, the better - and since a few I thought I was going to be involved in haven't happened due to other people's time constraints, I'm excited to do stuff on my own - where only I am holding myself back in terms of time - and with people who also have the same idea of wanting to do a lot of research. Possible coolness there! I'm also doing a presentation in my professor's class (which I took a year ago and which spawned the paper from which my current research emerged) in mid-October. I'm excited about that too - my research topic is very close to my heart and I welcome a chance to share what I know with other people. I could talk forever on this topic, but I have a feeling I'll be kept to a half hour or so - boo! lol but I shall deal.

Today I get to see Apryl! I am very very excited. I have not seen her in forever!!!! Much to tell her, and I can't wait to hear her stories. I also need to go to the gym, do a lot of Clinic work, study my 3-letter-words if miracles happen and I have time (yeah, right - I have two hours or less as it is, probably :-P), and then Michael comes tonight. Fun times! But it's amusing how no day turns into an entirely-work day where I can just crank Clinic stuff out. I'm having way too much fun now to back out on any social thing, but I can't say I won't relish an entire day to work, if I ever get one, hahaha. A few days in November look like the most likely and soonest candidates for that. By that time, maybe I won't need a work day! lol But there's always stuff to do.

On that note - better get going so I can get some of that "stuff to do" done! But hope everyone is having a wonderful week. Saturday is Michael's and my first competitive Scrabble tournament in Battle Creek - wish us luck!!!

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