Friday, November 2, 2007

Where has this semester gone?!!?!?

Sitting here at ERC-State Street, drinking cinnamon cider and hoping all the work I have to do will somehow complete itself!?!? I'm slightly tired and don't feel like working. But if I want to get anything done this weekend, it has to happen this morning or afternoon, or it won't happen. So I thought maybe making a blog entry - goofing off but still - sort of? - being productive? (forgive me if I delude myself) would get enough unwillingness to work out of my system that I'll be able to dive right into everything after I do this. That is the hope at least....

So it's November 2, surprisingly and scarily enough. The semester's almost over, and there's only about two more weeks till Thanksgiving break!!!! :) (wow - I so cannot wait!!!!!) Clinic is making me feel overworked and underpaid, despite the fact that, A) all the horrific paperwork-crunch-ness is over, and B) I'm not SUPPOSED to get paid! Except I sort of just was - in the middle of all that crazy applying-for-grad-assistantship-ness, I threw in my app for free money from EMU, and just got notified that I got a $500 scholarship! yay :)

Anyway. Clinic is going well. I'm not as attached to my clients this semester as I was to the little guy I had last semester, but the clients are interesting and since one of them is canceling sessions for two weeks soon to go on vacation, I'm gonna have time to go and observe my little guy from last sem! I am super-excited. :)))))

Super-curious to meet a certain miss A.'s new main man this weekend. ;-) Michael and I will have dinner with them at some point either Saturday or Sunday, then I'll get together with Jessica Saturday evening, and Michael and I will probably cook together tonight. Michael wasn't supposed to be here till Saturday night and I wasn't supposed to NEED to get work done right now, but he decided to skip going to the OSU game to come hang out with me, which I think is one of the sweetest things ever :))))) so of course I am re-arranging things a bit and making myself do more work sooner.

On November 16 I head off to Chicago!!!!!!! Two weeks!!!!!!!! I am so unbelievably excited to see Cassandra. :)

I need to do a lot of work on the PhD thing (what am I interested in now that autism's out?!!?) In some parallel universe could I ever see myself going the motor speech PhD route and doing Moebius???!! But then I wouldn't get to go to Iowa - which I kind of have my heart set on at this point if I do the PhD, although I'll apply elsewhere too - and I wouldn't get to work with Karla, who's awesome, and I wouldn't have a PhD topic that's terribly fundable and generalizable to a lot of other disorders. I think?

and where-the-cwap-am-I-gonna-get-my-C's? I wanna be in Chicago, but what kind of jobs are out there? Would I be better off somewhere else where there's a job more suited to what I want? I have less than a year now to decide this. Perhaps I will work on that all next weekend, after the Scrabble tournament in South Lyon.

Well, speaking of work, I'd better get back to mine. Hope everyone's as excited about the weekend as I am!!!!

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